

Advanced rendering options
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Basic Member
Posts:30 Basic Member

2019-03-05 13:48
    I know capture 2019 is just around the corner, and that great expense and time has gone into current render engines in the move away from openGL.
    I was just wanting to request a really solid powerful engine that can produce very high frame rates with larger projects, without compromising too much the actually look.

    I am working with very large files frequently with hundreds of fixtures that are mostly being pointed at the camera, and imported 3d environments which are hundreds of meters square at minimum. The capture files are often more than 1gig in size and I have to spend great amounts of time to cut them down, replacing truss and other objects with native capture objects ect.

    For me to programme with these files I have to set all objects to no cast shadows, and I have to set all render settings to the lowest possible settings, turn off spill lighting, and all other options including auto exposure ect. And setting smoke density to 1 speed to 1 and setting smoke differential to 0.

    I'm not complaining because over all for ease of use and speed of the work flow capture is amazing, and i could not change to anotyer peoduct because of this. it would just be awesome if I could get frame rates better than 20-40 on these files with render settings so low, especially with gtx1080 and a half decent computer.

    Maybe we could get an option to turn off all the real world, real optical physics settings and have a point and shoot kind of mode that enables users like me to see a good representation of the show without all the fancy stuff, but doesn't look like a pixelated blocky mess.

    I know a LOT of users require more accurate rendering and maybe I'm making up a small minority, but I thought I would ask :)
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2019-03-05 13:54


    Performance will always be a priority for us and we look forward to hearing back from you after you have tried Capture 2019!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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