

Scroller Question
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Posts:107 Advanced Member

2010-11-10 21:13
    Hi again,
    I have two questions concerning Scrollers.
    1. Is there a way to reduce the number of frames in a given scroller roll?
    2. I am using the Rainbow 8'' with control set to 16 frames, in Design it still says 33 colours. Is that what it should do?
    3. Is there such a thing as a generic scroller or a scroller with 11 frames in the library?
    Kind regards


    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2010-11-11 11:01
    • Accepted Answer

    all you questions are answered below!

    kindest regards,


    Hi again,
    I have two questions concerning Scrollers.
    1. Is there a way to reduce the number of frames in a given scroller roll?
    2. >>>>>>>>>you can duplicate the framelist and edit it by changing frames, but you cannot delete them. what you can do instead is empty them in case you use a dmx mode of teh fixture with less colors. however dont worry if you leave them there as they will never be visualised since the dmx mode will never activate them.

    1. I am using the Rainbow 8'' with control set to 16 frames, in Design it still says 33 colours. Is that what it should do?
    2. >>>>>yes dont worry, you can empty them but it will still read 33.

    1. Is there such a thing as a generic scroller or a scroller with 11 frames in the library?
    2. >>>>>there is from now and it has 33,21,16 and your suggested 11 frames mode. please post here of you need more frame count options for this generic scroller. please download the latest library update i just created it and it has a suggestion of 33 colors, please use your own framelists.
    Kind regards


    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:107 Advanced Member

    2010-11-11 19:38
    • Accepted Answer

    Thank you so much for this quick reply and the library update. This is why I enjoy working capture so much!
    Kind regards

    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
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