

New replace Function does not work when fixture grouped with other elements
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Posts:4 New Member

2019-04-08 14:48

    Last week i was trying to replace a fixture that was in a group with other elements, I wanted to select the fictures from the fixtures list so they got selected on the design, then i wanted to use repace function, but that was not available. I had to ungroup everything before i coult use the replace function. Maybe this can get improved Thank you

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-04-09 10:23
    The sole purpose of groups is to be treated as entities and this is why you are not allowed to replace fixtures when grouped. Of course, your suggestion is noted in our to-do list as we constantly implement user feature requests among other new features.
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:4 New Member

    2019-04-09 13:49

    Thank You, Yes this would be handy for future :-) If you have like 8 trusses in a room with different fixtures in them, I build one truss make a group of it and then copy the group several times. If you want to change a fixture in these groups it would be handy to select the fixtures from the fixture list and be able to replace by another fixture.

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