

Fabric mounted like a hanging chain - how to put such a thing in the scenery in Capture 2018
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Posts:8 New Member

2019-04-08 22:39

    Consider a long fabric - say 150 cm x 800 cm. One end (A) is mounted 600 cm above the floor and the other end (B) is mounted 200 cm above floor and 400 cm horisontally away from (A). At (A) the fabric is mounted on a rod 150 cm long. At (B) all fabric are gathered as tight as possible.

    Is it possible to find a way to show such an element i Capture 2018?


    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-04-11 09:44
    In order to simulate this complex custom construction you may choose :
    a. Build it in Capture
    A way to simulate this object is by using Cylinder hull pieces found under forms in our library. You need to modify the start and the end thicknesses of each piece and even attach a material in order to look like fabric. Then you should modify the rotation and the centre radius of each piece in order to meet the curves you need and finally to adjust the pieces together and maybe even group them in order to move them easily to the desired location of your model
    b. Find a ready 3D model from e.g. a website that shares 3D models (there many of them that are completely free) and import it in Capture for final adjustments.
    c. Build your complicated custom structure in a dedicated CAD software and import it in Capture
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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