When connecting my Chamsys desk I have no problems but plenty with ETC offline software. On one of my desktops I can run both softwares together happily, two desktops connected over network it works but Capture fails to recognise its an ETC desk so no two way connection and on my laptop, sometimes they talk to each other sometimes they dont. All computers are Windows 10 I Suspect its windows to blame for all this...it usually is
I am using Ion offline. After writing this post yesterday, the 2 pieces of software eventually started talking ot each other, after about 30-50 minutes then I closed Capture, restarted it and once again, no handshake
If sometimes it works and some does not then it sounds like a local network problem. Either way we would recommend troubleshooting locally first and on ION side, and if it does not work then email us at support@