

Can no longer import .3ds
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Posts:14 Basic Member

2019-06-08 15:39

    I am running Capture Atlas 22.1.10 and all was well. Since i installed the demo of the latest version of Capture I can no longer import .3ds file in to my licensed copy of 22.1.10. Each time I try to import the software just crashed, however, if import the same .3ds in to the demo version of the latest version it works just fine !! I tried uninstalling the demo version but still I can not longer to import any .3ds. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-06-08 19:34
    The sequence of events you describe (installing in parallel Capture 2019 demo) should have absolutely no relation with your existing installation. I can not imagine why is this happening but I would suggest a fresh installation of your registered version maybe could fix the problem. You may also send an email to for personal support.
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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