

[request] Camera position to Magicq
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Basic Member
Posts:29 Basic Member

2019-06-13 00:28
    Is it possible to send the position of the camera views (alpha,beta,gamma) from capture to Chamsys MagicQ? Like the same way as moving heads pan/tilt info to the programmer.

    Of course when patched in MagicQ. But now we can't give the views the right spotnumber.

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-07-11 08:50
    After selecting the camera you wish to control with an external source, go to its properties (project window-> Design tab-> Selected items-> Control) and add manually the patching information you wish.
    e.g. A.1 if you want the camera to be patched in universe A channel 1.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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