

Virtual Reality
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Basic Member
Posts:31 Basic Member

2019-06-22 23:35

    Hi Lars,

    What are your plans on Virtual Reality? I've just bought an HTC Vive Pro headset. It would be so nice to be able use it with Capture!!!



    Basic Member
    Posts:31 Basic Member

    2019-07-20 03:14


    Is it possible to export a 360º video? The highest resolution available in snapshots is 1920 x 1080.



    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2019-07-22 17:31

    you can export a presentation (EXE) file.
    This give much options to the costumer.

    personally, I would also like to see that you can export only a 3D virtual tour.
    without the DMX options that most customers does not understand

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-07-24 23:35
    You may use snapshots (still or movie) for your presentation if you do not want your clients to intervene with DMX values or external consoles
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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