

Fixture Sticker
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New Member
Posts:2 New Member

2019-06-25 21:44
    My wish is to have a Report, where i can print little Fixture Stickers.

    For example 4 in a line and 8 among themselves on a DIN A4.

    Maybe on a Avery/Zweckform template.

    The Info on the Sticker has to be : Fixture Name, ID, Channel, Circuit ....

    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2019-06-25 23:33
    I export the data and use mail merge to do this. I suspect we wouldn't be able to agree on format and colours!
    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-07-11 09:10
    Thank you for your feedback. Your suggestion on creating a fixture sticker report option is noted and passed internally to our developers for further evaluation.
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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