

Object library
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Posts:67 Advanced Member

2007-10-04 12:49

    Since Capture doesn't have very advance way to handle third party import objects currently.

    We can't customize much of the size of any import objects. So I asume most of us build it with the capture itself.

    I'm thinking would it be better for capture website to open another library section where all Capture users can upload their custom objects made by capture into the website library section. Things like cases, scafolding, computer table, curtains, array speakers, fountains, music instruments and many many more or maybe some more actors in different motion. All of these object can be very useful and save tons of time creating it from scratch. We can reduce a lot of time by sharing our custom objects with each other.

    New Member
    Posts:7 New Member

    2007-10-04 20:35

    Hi Justin,

    This is Nick Ho here.

    Hey Don't worry. I think Capture team are going to come out this sharing library soon.

    I also agree in your idea of sharing . It save so much time !


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2007-10-07 13:11

    Yes, this is something we have on our minds too! The first step was of course to make a new website first.. ;-)

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:67 Advanced Member

    2007-11-10 16:24

    Since capture already have plan for this.
    currently, I'm thinking to make a small page of sharing custom object.
    I will transfer all the object I have to capture once they have it running.

    So a msg to all capture user around.
    Please share with me any of your custom object.
    you can email it to me.

    thank you in advance ~

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