

C4D Release 21
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Veteran Member
Posts:151 Veteran Member

2019-09-06 15:45


    I just installed the newest Cinema 4D Release 21, who came out few Days ago. As I understand, I have to export C4D Files as Melange, to import it right into Capture 2019.

    It seems, that the Melange export in Release 21 has stopped. Or I can see it anymore. Or the last possibility, I'm blind:-)

    How can I do that now in R21? What is the right Way to direct export from Cinema 4D in to Capture 2019?

    Thanks for help.

    Kind Regards,


    Veteran Member
    Posts:151 Veteran Member

    2019-09-11 11:39
    Hi Lars.

    Any Anwser or Idea??
    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-09-24 22:04
    Could you please tick the box found under Edit->Preferences->Files-> Save Polygons for Cineware, save as Cineware from the File->Save project for Cineware.. menu and let us know if that worked for you?
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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