

plots with vertical booms
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Posts:16 Basic Member

2019-10-18 08:02

    In a top view of a sidelight boom, all we can see it the topmost fixture, and the others are hidden. Normally, one would draw a "flyout" that would show the boom in a "front" view with the lamp info visible, and a line linking this to the item on the drawing. Any way to do that without duplicating the lamps involved, (for example, by copying them and rotating them to view the front view)? If I am making myself clear.

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-10-21 09:06
    This is sth that we have on our radar for future implementation but for now, there is switch above a selected fixture in the plot view that you may flip in order to move objects/texts to a fake position for plot clarity. They do not get moved in other plot views or modes. After flipping the switch there is also an option in the navigator menu called "Clear Plot Adjustments" to return the object in its original position rather than dragging to a new position.
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2019-10-27 14:50
    What would be great is if there was a short cut way of achieving this.

    Maybe selecting the whole set of fixtures on the boom, and asking capture to auto layout them horizontally according to their vertical positions as a plot adjustment?

    It can take quite a while doing this manually for each boom when you want to show the height difference.

    I also find you end up having to add an additional truss / pipe to lay them along as you can't rotate the original via a plot adjustment.

    It would be good to see something to make this a little easier!
    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2019-11-01 01:27

    I discovered this switch button and it confused the heck out of me, But now I see it as it is supposed to work. That is great. I know it is on your radqr now, so I look forward to seeing how you deal with it. Thank you.

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