

Feature Request - Editable fixture properties
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Advanced Member
Posts:52 Advanced Member

2019-10-27 21:18

    It would be a a very welcome feature to be able to alter some fixture properties from the library defaults.

    Mainly orientation and home positions but other things like gobo rotation speed, etc. (have had some fixtures where gobo rotation is slow to fast in vis but fast to slow in real life)

    The orientation one would be a huge bonus. Currently if I have a job rigged from a Capture plot and some of the real fixtures home/move differently to the plot then while I can alter the plot it would be better to correct the library profile.

    Maybe there could be a place for user tweaked profiles to be submitted for evaluation and sharing?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2019-10-28 16:26
    Agree, I've had the same challenges since using Capture and does limit what can or should be done with the visualizer. A lot can be overcome by working between the model and the live fixture to know what's accurate and what is an estimate. For example, I only record gobo rotation for a cue or a palette with the live fixture or if do I record the speed in the visualizer then I just know I will probably have to update the cue or the palette once I'm on sight with the live fixtures. For many fixture parameters the model from Atlas is just too much of an estimate. Focus is another one that's best done with live fixture. At least currently for most fixtures the lighting bolt on the fixture to indicate power outlet appears accurately, but the home position, pan and tilt can take on characteristics from at least three places. One is the Atlas default parameters, second is the information in the fixture library of the console you are using, and third is the settings on the fixture itself, e.g. pan/tilt flip. I've had rental fixtures where the previous user had flipped pan/tilt in the fixture menu, easy to fix, but can mess you up for a bit. I've had good response from both Capture Library requests and request to the light board vendor to get things corrected, usually within 24 hours. I've even been able to help verify settings if it's a fixture I own or have regular access to verify the library parameters for both Capture and the light board vendors fixture database. Even the best of them don't have access to test and verify every fixtures on the market. Having user profiles in Capture might be worth having, but could also get confusing, as sometimes the fixtures are updated for parameters that I haven't used or didn't know was wrong, so how would you get the updates to the user profiles without writing over your changes? My light console does have the ability to edit and save changes to the fixture profiles, as most do, but it's kind of the same issue when there are updates to the library, so I just know when there is a library update I go back and check or modify the fixture defaults and resave. Sometimes things are updated and I no longer need to make the changes to the profile. Apologies for the long winded discussion, this issues was frustrating in the beginning, especially on sight having to rewrite palettes and cues with the show quickly approaching.
    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2019-11-02 22:25
    Thank you very much for your feedback. The long answers are usually more helpful to us in order to understand your needs in full extents
    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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