

Student Edition Limitations
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Posts:2 New Member

2020-01-16 06:30

    Hello there,
    we (a parish in the Ruhr Area of germany) try to change from dot2onPC/GrandMAonPC to Onyx.
    Onyx has no integrated 3D Visualizer, so I began to test Capture 2019 with the Student Edition.
    I did this with the Introduction Tutorial.
    At about 2:30 there is shown how to turn the light on in the live view.
    I did so, but there is no light in my live view.
    Is that a limitation to the Student Edition or a bug?
    The limititaion to a small set of fixtures is okay, but without anything to see the Edition seems to be quite useless.
    Any suggestions?
    Greetings from Germany

    Basic Member
    Posts:11 Basic Member

    2020-01-17 00:45

    How are you connecting? Art-Net or sACN? The Connectivity page suggests that an Onyx will connect but there are some caveats with Art-Net that might mean you need to configure a loopback adapter or some other trick to use the correct subnet.

    I have no direct experience with an Onyx.

    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2020-01-17 17:48

    Mistake between display and backrest...
    I missed to place a box underneath the fixture.


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