

ndi videofeed is not fade in and out!?
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New Member
Posts:4 New Member

2020-09-17 14:27


    we try to feed in serveral different ndi feeds from different software, to map as material, and also to view on serveral projectors, in every case and variante we try, there is no way to fade a video from any ndi broadcastsoftware in or out. it appears immedantly on 1 or 2 percent of fade in mediaserver.

    and it disapears from 1or2 percent to zero.

    in both cases as a switch and not as a fade?

    is it normal in capture, so we can not simulate a simple videofade by ndi???



    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2020-09-18 14:39


    we test all mediaservers we can get,

    only isadora also have this behaivior in handle incominc ndi streams.

    in all other ndi receiving software we can find, including the newtek ndi monitor, the fade will be shown.

    in both directions and without stuttering......



    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2020-10-08 13:52

    Following our support conversation I would like to also mention here that NDI feeds that use the alpha channel as intensity masters are not visualised up to the current version, which is Capture 2020.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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