

Lighting Bar not reporting location for units
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Basic Member
Posts:10 Basic Member

2020-11-03 15:52

    I have a TV studio rig with over 200 bars and i use putting units on bars as a way of getting the data for the DMX patch - I can not get the data on the report today (I upgraded from .47 to .51 today)77

    I have had this issue before but it seemed to have been sorted - it is again not working.

    Help - show tonight and I'd rahter not have to count them by hand


    David Abra

    +447788 410965

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2020-11-04 11:58

    Even though I am not sure on what you are asking, but if you need to count your fixtures, you may do that by selecting them and clicking on the list item (the further right button that appear under your selection). There in the first line you can see the number of the selected fixtures.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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