

2.5.9 not working on OS X 10.6.7
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2011-04-27 13:48
    Hi This might be just my machine but I can't seem to upgrade to 2.5.9 2.4.12 works fine. Running on a MacBook Pro. Any ideas?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2016 Staff Member

    2011-04-27 21:22
    Hi Nick,

    How does the problem manifest itself?

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2011-05-01 18:47
    Hi The program tries to start then quits unexpectedly! It might be an issue with my mac... I have reinstalled OS X but this didn't help... might have to do a clean install.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2016 Staff Member

    2011-05-01 18:50
    Hi Nick,

    You could be having problems with a library glitch we had around the time of the release. Please try the following:

    (Make sure you have version 2.5.9 on Mac OS X!)

    a) Manually delete the library folder. On Windows typically the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Capture Polar\Library" folder and on Mac OX X the "Macintosh HD/Library/Capture Polar/Library" folder.
    b) Start Capture and allow it to install the default library.
    c) (Optional: download and install the latest library update)

    If Capture still crashes, please copy the crash report and send it to me by e-mail!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2011-05-05 21:04
    Lars Thanks That fixed it. Looking forward to playing with new video. Are there any particular codecs that work best? Most of my content is in AIC quicktime
    Staff Member
    Posts:2016 Staff Member

    2011-05-06 20:14
    Hi Nick,

    To be perfectly honest, we don't really know - if QuickTime plays it, it works! ;-)

    This may be a useful page for you -

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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