

Capture does not find ArtNet
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Posts:4 New Member

2020-12-24 00:07

    Hello there and merry christmas!  , 

    I am having struggle with connecting my GrandMA2 on PC (+Command Wing) via Artnet with the Capture Software.

    Art Net ist recieved by the Computer running Capture. (Checked via ArtNetViewer) So I believe the Problem ist in some connectivity Settings in the Software. But I cant figgure out what it is?

    What I already tried out: 

    - Capture is the only Software running and using ArtNet

    - manually setting the IP adresse from ArtNet in the the connective Options to the IP Adresse of the PC and back to Automatic 

    - selecting "external univers" automatic and none. (I cant manually select an universe?) 

    - tried out completly new projects and old ones which have had worked. 

    - MA on PC hardwired directly to the Capture PC and/or with a router. (ArtNet was always recieved by the capture PC)

    So now after two unsuccessful evenigs, I am alittle bit confussed and at a loss. But hoppefully  looking for advices from this community. :) 

    Thank you in advance!

    Greetings from Germany

    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2020-12-24 07:55

    Hi and Merry Christmas to All!

    I just tested ArtNet in both modes (automatic and static IP) and it is working perfect.

    The tests are made with MAonPc ver. with Command Wing and Capture 2020.0.53 Symphony. Maybe you should check IPv4 properties for the network adapters (for ArtNet in range of 2 or 10 with subnet mask

    Personally i prefer MA-Net, here is some information about connectivity in Capture

     Connectivity (

    I hope this help You

    Best Regards!

    Dian Tuhchiev

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    Posts:4 New Member

    2020-12-24 23:05

    Hi Dian, 

    thank you for the fast answer! 

    I have checked the IPv4 Settings, and I am at 2.0.03 at the MAonPC PC an at at my Capture PC. Both with the subnetmask

    And my ArtNet does work. I recieve a fully reacting ArtNet stream on the Capture PC. (checkt with an artnet-Monitoring App) 

    MAonPC is

    and Capture is version 2020.0.53 quartet 

    I just don't get the ArtNet information in Capture. Even in older projects which had worked in the past. (With the same setup)

    Haven't worked with MA-Net yet. I going to try it.

    So I assume, therer is an error in the communication between the Capture Software and the ArtNet stream. 

    Probably I fail to see some connectivity options. 

    kind regards! 

    and happy hollidays!


    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2020-12-24 23:52

    I  found the solution!! 

    After installing capture 2019, where every thing worked fine, I checked my network/firewall settings on the individual apps. For whatever reason, the public and privat networks were deactivated for capture 2020.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2020-12-25 07:53

    Hi Tim

    Oh ya," Allow apps through firewall on Windows 10"

    I Forgot about this, but You found the answer :) Super!

    About why I prefer Ma-Net? It's a 1Gb network, Art-Net is 100Mb , and you can have some network floods in larger setups, especially when Art-Net is in Broadcast mode, unicast is better...

    Best Regards!


    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2020-12-26 00:25

    Yes, I was really confussed, because I dont know when I should have changed the firewall settings. 

    Ok, then I will wait with MA-Net for some bigger Projects. At the moment I am totally fine with ArtNet. 

    Thank you for your support!


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