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New Member
Posts:5 New Member

2021-02-07 19:02

    Hallo everyone,

    i created/changed a framelist for a colorwheel of a fixture. I just changed the stock colors with other colors from the library, so what i see on my screen reassembles the real world color much better.

    Is there a way to export those framelists to a different projekt with the same fixtures?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2021-02-08 14:09

    Hi Tom,

    Yes, it is possible when you import your fixture from source to destanation show with "Import Model"

    The fixture profile is traveling with its own color and gobo custom made from show to show. Nice!

    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2021-02-08 18:23

    Thanks, i was sure that i've been missing something. Never tried to open a different projekt under the model import view.

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