

DMX Movers
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New Member
Posts:6 New Member

2021-02-16 23:39

    Hi! I´m starting to use the dmx movers and I have the question if there is a way to patch an object with two differents dmx movers, with a mover and rotation one. In the proyect I´m workin on I need an object to move over the "x", "y" and "z" axis, but also rotate 360º over the "y" axis. I would be glad if anyone could help me.


    (I´m using the Capture 2020 Duet Edition)

    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2021-02-17 09:40
    • Accepted Answer

    Hi! Yes, you can assign the rotator to the mover.

    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2021-02-18 02:28

    Thanks! It works. 

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