

Plot views
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Basic Member
Posts:17 Basic Member

2021-03-05 14:09

    I am just organising my plot and all my views will be from the front as the are all effectively ladders or booms so a top view won't be any good. The problem I am having is that the sybol shown in front view is different to that shown in top view and doesn't match the symbol key created.

    Also is it possible to edit the symbol key as not all of my fixtures are listed in it?


    Basic Member
    Posts:17 Basic Member

    2021-03-07 14:02


    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-03-28 13:20

    As you probably have already found, you need to click on the "symbol configuration" field found on the design tab of the plot menu.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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