

Media Control
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Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2021-03-23 20:31

It doesn't do anything.
Am I supposed to type a patch address in there?
I am using Show Cue System for video, but it does not offer streaming,
I do however get MIDI timecode which I use to cue Onyx, which in turn drives Capture.
It's more just for getting a rough timing for presentations.

Advanced Member
Posts:58 Advanced Member

2021-03-23 21:36

ShowCueSystem is a trigerring software if I;m right , you need to add Player in Capture, then  add some clips in the player, then address the player and add some 2 channel fixture profile in the SCS on the same address and universe, This is my guess, I'm not familiar with SCS. CITP is not suported by SCS...NDI is the other great option

Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2021-03-24 09:46

I finally fathomed it.
You need to type the address into the box, rather than using "drag" functions.
ie A.500 will give you two channels.
Nowhere in the manual does it mention this.
I am pushing the SCS people to add NDI into their software as it is free and appears to be fairly simple to implement. This would make life considerably easier, but for now this will have to do.


Advanced Member
Posts:58 Advanced Member

2021-03-24 11:54

Hi Rob,

Good to hear that You win.About DMX, yes You need a DMX address  if You want to control something like camera, smoke, player and offcourse fixtures mainly, about SCS, You don't have to push them, just download NDI Tools, start Screen Capture(NDI) over the video, start Studio Monitor (NDI), and than You can see NDI source in Capture. NDI is very easy to use.

Best Regards!


Advanced Member
Posts:58 Advanced Member

2021-03-24 16:04

I'm not familiar how to drag and drop player over the DMX universe and address?

Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2021-03-24 17:50

Select an item or group and drag the rightmost icon onto the unviverse you wish.

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