

Robe Tetra 2 Fixture bug
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Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2021-03-22 17:01

    Hi all,
    Could you please check out the Robe Tetra 2 colour bar fixture please?
    It works fine in situ with the control pane, but as soon as it is patched, the lights disappear and it resets. The only thing that works then is the tilt function.


    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2021-03-23 14:31

    Hi, I tested and everything seems to be fine in the virtual world, what kind of console You are using? And which mode of Tetra2?

    Best Regards!

    Dian Tuchiev

    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2021-03-23 17:51

    I did not have a console connected.
    I was using the Tetra 2 in basic 34 channel mode.
    I have even tried it in a brand new, clean project and it still does it.
    Place a fixture into the view, open the control pane and increase the intensity.
    In render view it is visible. Now drag the fixture onto a universe and the lights go out.


    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2021-03-24 17:50

    Here's a video showing the problem:

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    Posts:16 Basic Member

    Advanced Member
    Posts:58 Advanced Member

    2021-03-26 08:35

    You are right, when patch the Tetra, control pane not controling the last channel which is Master dimmer of the fixture, it control some background dimmer. Report this bug to Meanwhile you can overlap in patch on last channel of tetra(34rth ch) some 1ch generic fixture and controling its dimmer will do the job



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