

Light Intensity doesn't match reality
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Basic Member
Posts:11 Basic Member

2021-03-23 17:54

    Recently I programmed a show that used conventional and intelligent lighting.  In Capture when I had the lights at full intensity it was so blinding that I couldn't see the 3D models, etc.  One example is that I am using a Color Force 72 strip light.  In Capture I have it at about 20% intensity to get the look I want.  And then when I get to the actual rig I have to then update all my cue intensities to match.  Is there a way around this?  Thank you!

    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2021-03-23 18:46

    In the control section for each fixture there is an  "Intensity Scale" parameter.  adjust that up or down from 100%

    Basic Member
    Posts:11 Basic Member

    2021-03-23 20:43

    Thanks.  I figured it was something easy!

    Basic Member
    Posts:11 Basic Member

    2021-03-23 20:43

    Thanks.  I figured it was something easy!

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-03-28 13:14

    You may watch this relevant webcast that explains why things look different from reality, and what are the right tools/settings for each case to fix them. I would also suggest you explore the exposure settings of your project.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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