

A wish for Capture and the blind mode
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2011-05-05 17:17
    I would like to say to you a wish that i hope for a long time now.
    I work with Lt LIght console, and sometimes i work with the blind mode in live show to correct or create some cue.
    It would be so useful, and wonderful if Capture could hold the possibility to receive dmx in blind mode.
    (I know there is 16 universes in blind mode too). So, create a cue in blind mode and see it in live when i want, it' s my wish but it's just a wish...
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2011-05-06 20:16
    Hi yegamusica,

    Capture does support blind visualization, but it's a matter of limitation of the network protocol used! The Hydra IPX protocol supported this, but now I believe you are using CITP with ArtNet for DMX, and unfortunately ArtNet doesn't support blind DMX. So, I'm afraid there's not much we can do!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2011-05-07 09:46
    hi lars, thanks for reply.
    So yes i use artnet cause windows 7 not support ipx protocol.
    but if i work with windows xp, does capture polar reconise the ipx protocol for dmx?
    and in that case, in this case, the blind mode can it work?

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    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2011-05-07 10:01
    Hi yegamusica,

    After checking closer it turns out I was wrong - Hydra IPX does not support blind mode. It turns out Capture only supports this with Avab IPX - we will investigate this matter closer for the next version!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2011-05-07 22:49
    Thanks Lars,
    I hope that you can open this possibility with LT light crew.
    I will wait for good news.

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    2023-07-12 09:31

    I know this topic is Not the newest...

    So is there a possibility to See the visualisation in Capture even if my MA3 is in Blind or Preview Mode?

    Maybe via sAcn or VizKey or...?

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    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-08-14 09:28

    Capture already supports receiving blind DMX over sACN, so it's up to MA really to send it out!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2023-08-14 13:02

    Oh, thanks a lot for that info!

    In the meantime I was asking MA(3) about that and they told me that the "Preview-Only" Flag will be set in MA3 and sent out via sACN. But unfortunatley no Data in Preview or BlindMode from MA3.

    The "Problem" is, that the vizkey may become a "universal-Parameter-Dongle" if they send out unlimited Parameters via sACN with Preview-flag set (as they do now "virtually" with all normal universes except ArtNet and sACN), because then any sACN Unit which sends DMX data to lamps if the flag is on or off, will then make the vizkey a "limitless-Dongle". That might not be what MA really wants to achieve...

    So MA-Users might wait for any Blind-Programming funcionality until they are grey and old or MA is implementing CITP...

    A "not to bad workaround" which I received from the Capture Support is, to export the Capture File as MVR into MA3 and use the inbuilt 3D for Preview-Programming if needed so much.

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