

Filtering by position
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Basic Member
Posts:30 Basic Member

2021-06-21 01:02

    It would be nice to be able to filtering by position in the light plot edition to export a plot with only floor fixture's or pipes fixture's, LX1 fixture's ...

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2021-06-21 16:43

    By position, you mean "Location" ?

    Also, why trusses don't have the "Location" parameter in their  geometry proprieties ? Rigging points have it, but not trusses.
    If i want to do a Fixture Location Report that include the weights of the trusses, i have to add an "Unit" to the trusses that match the "Location" of the fixtures. That don't make sense to me.

    What is the difference between "Location" and "Unit" ?

    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2021-06-22 00:42

    As i use the French version it is Position for me but it might be Location for English user's.

    Capture team should improuve it by adding Location to every things and let us filtering by Location

    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2021-06-28 11:30


    Location should be able on every elements and we should be able to filtering by it in plots as in reports.


    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-06-29 08:15

    Thank you everyone for your feedback. We will reevaluate the naming of the fields on the first chance.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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