

Print Plot or report date
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Basic Member
Posts:30 Basic Member

2021-06-22 00:44

    Is there any way to add the printing date on any document ? 

    This way, if there is several export, the date on allow you to know witch one is the last.


    Staff Member
    Posts:647 Staff Member

    2021-06-25 00:08

    In plot's Header template (portrait or landscape) there is a project date field. This field returns whatever date information you have entered in the project properties window. Alternatively, you may add a text box and write the date or version you wish.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2021-06-27 22:45

    The shortcut $(Day), $(DayNB), $(Month), $(MonthNB), $(Year), $(Hour), $(Minute) should add the date info. It would allow the user to write the date as he want : $(DayNB)/$(MonthNB)/$(Year) $(Hour):$(Minute) would print 27/06/2021 22:45

    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2021-06-28 11:20

    Yeah it would be great !

    Nice idea to automaticaly keep the date up to date

    Staff Member
    Posts:647 Staff Member

    2021-06-29 08:10

    We have noted your suggestion to our list of new feature planning. Thank you for your feedback.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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