

Imag cam+screens
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Posts:4 New Member

2021-09-14 23:43

    Hello. Is it possible to add some cameras that i can control, switch between them over dmx and broadcast the image to virtual IMAg screens. Thanx

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-09-15 23:16

    You may patch any of the cameras available and control them with DMX. More information can be found in our reference manual.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2021-09-21 19:08
    I didn't fully understand. Can you explain how i can dd these things:
    1. add virtual cameras and take video from them to virtual screens inside my model (imag screen for example)
    2. add several cameras that i can control by dmx and switch between them while taking snapshot (this will removes the need to create multiple snapshots for post production) In simple words, to make a video stitching in one go
    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-09-22 07:48

    Regarding your questions:

    1. It's not possible to do that within Capture. A workaround I could think of is to use a video graber (e.g. NDI screen capture) to live record on of your views and feed this media to your panels.

    2. Once you have patched your cameras, you may control them through your external console. Switching between cameras is not possible at the moment.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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