

Light Jockey to Capture
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2021-09-21 19:31


    I have licensed “Martin” LJ onekey on the first windows 10 PC (latest version). LJ works fine and out puts to lights.
    I have a licensed Copy of Capture Quartet on a separate PC.
    I picked up a DMX to Ethernet adapter.
    I pugged the DMX adapter into the LJ node. Then plugged the other end of the Ethernet cord into the computer running Capture. No data is getting from LJ to Capture.

    Is there anything else I am missing?


    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-09-22 07:20

    In this link you may find a helpful webcast that explains all about connectivity and the settings needed for each case.

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2021-09-22 17:00

    Yes, I viewed the web cast, could not get the answer im looking for.

    Basically, Light Jockey only outputs DMX through their 5 pin DMX. Does using a cheep wired adapter bring the 5 Pin DMX out to ethernet correctly so that Capture (on a second PC) will see the data to work?

    Or do I need a node like the ENTTEC ODE Mk2?

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2021-09-28 18:51

    It is not clear what you mean by "cheap wired adapter". If you buy a node like an ENTTEC or OBSIDIAN Netron and you connect to it the physical dmx from LJ then this node will convert it into sACN or Art-Net which is in turn read by Capture. I hope this answers your question.

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2021-09-29 15:42

    To clarify, I initially bought a cheep adapter, its a one piece connector, DMX to Ethernet, realizing this was not going to do what I want. I purchased an Enttec ODE MK2 Node, I now have the node configured for DMX in, and ArtNet out via Ethernet.

    I have my DMX out coming from controller on PC "A" to the node DMX in, then the node Ethernet out to PC "B" running Capture.

    Capture is not reading the Artnet.


    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2021-09-29 18:18

    If there is Art-Net present then Capture will be able to find it and connect. If you do not see it in Capture then maybe you have the wrong network settings? I suggest you reach out to your supplier if you are not sure how to setup the hardware you have at hand.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2021-09-29 23:44

    s the firewall trurned off on the capture PC?  It might be as simple as that.  Rule 1 is turn off the firewall at least as a test in these cases

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2021-09-30 15:03

    Hay Martinp,

    Yes, I did try the "turn off Fire wall" did not help. Its definetly something with the PC, maybe blocking the node Artnet protocal.

    I confirmed that Capture sees Artnet from my EOS controller. Its just not getting data from the node. I been working with Enttec, and so far I can read the node via the webinterface, but Capture cannot. I even downloaded a Artnet viewing app, no luck there either.

    Very fustrating!!

    Thanks for the input.

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