

Plots & FIlters
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Basic Member
Posts:12 Basic Member

2021-09-30 16:08

    Perhaps I'm missing a step.  I created a filter that took out everything except my truss and lights.  All staging, soft goods, video etc. were filtered out.  I applied this filter to all views.

    When I go to create a new plot and add in a "view" it puts it in with ALL elements showing.  I'm trying to just show my truss and lighting fixtures.

    Thanks in advance!

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2021-10-06 01:06

    Once you insert your view to your plot, you need to go to the design tab (within the plot menu) and there you may choose the filter you wish to apply.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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