I have a room designed and lights placed. I can see that there is light, but I don't know of a way to see how much light there is. Does Capture have a function to show the foot-candles, lux, etc... at any given point? Thanks... JJ
You may use the focus plane tool found in the built-in library. For your convenience, you may find here a short tutorial on this.
Thanks for that direction.
It looks like the heatmap is split into 10 segments. Am I to assume that those are 10 even divisions of whatever your min/max is? How do you know if you haven't reached the max or it's not as dark as the min?
Thanks... JJ
Even thought it's not our intention to provide such values since we are a visuliser, you may change (narrow down) the min/max limits of your focus plane to get the readings that you are looking for.