

Connect GrandMA3 with Capture using Viz Key
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Posts:12 Basic Member

2021-11-14 16:39

    Just got my VIz Key.  Have been searcing the web and trying for a few hours to get these things talking.

    Can anyone provide the steps needed to get this up and running?

    GrandMA3 version

    Capture version 2021.1.10



    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2021-11-15 08:30

    You will need to go into the networking settings of MA and invite Capture to your session.

    Also, which operating system are you using? We have been forced to disable support on macOS Monterey. Read more in this blog post.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:12 Basic Member

    2021-11-15 15:47

    Turns out I had a strange patch issue that I did not catch.  Once that was cleared up, all worked fine.



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