

Labels or Sticky Notes
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Advanced Member
Posts:53 Advanced Member

2021-11-16 16:51

    Hello Capture,

    Apologies if this is already implemented.  Is there any way to add a quick note, label, or comment on the plot without going into the plot edit?  For example, I added a bunch of road cases to a scene to show how much retrograde storage was needed.  The only way to label each road case was to edit a name in Acrobat and then import them and add them to the case.  Would be very convienant to just add a label to a form or object in the workspace.  

    Staff Member
    Posts:656 Staff Member

    2021-11-16 22:37

    At the moment, you need to go to plot edit menu in order to add a text box. Alternatively, you may use the Unit field of the object or the workaround you mentioned.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2024-07-02 15:20

    Isn't it still possible to add something as basic as a note anywhere on the plan?

    Thank you.

    Staff Member
    Posts:656 Staff Member

    2024-07-10 22:41

    Only in Plot mode.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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