

Measure tool
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Basic Member
Posts:22 Basic Member

2021-12-08 01:07
    Hi! Is there some hidden function to have a measure tool to measure distances on the fly. I mean a simple tool to select one point and then by selecting a second one gives me the distance..
    Advanced Member
    Posts:54 Advanced Member

    2021-12-08 08:01

    Great idea 👍

    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    2022-01-19 13:55

    Use the inbuilt distance tool. Place the first marker where you want it. Then deselect, then Cmd/ctrl click the other arrow and move it to where you want. Then itll give you the distance between the two points.

    Basic Member
    Posts:22 Basic Member

    2022-01-19 16:20
    Yes I know it. I'm talking about a simple cad measure tool. That isn't an object to insert, just a double click tool. Quicker and easier to measure on the fly.
    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2022-01-25 13:19

    +1 for this 

    would be really useful

    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2022-01-27 19:52
    Great idea! Pressing a key on the keyboard and clicking the mouse at the beginning and releasing at the end, a pop-up menu with a measurement
    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2022-01-28 11:34

    i have been requesting this for many years 

    Hopefully someday (:

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-05-19 10:35

    For the benefit of other readers - we introduced a measure tool in Capture 2022!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:17 Basic Member

    2023-04-10 16:01

    Will be possible to add Measure Tool to the PRESENTATION manu ?

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