

Capture/MA3 Viz Key Connectivity
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Posts:12 Basic Member

2021-12-17 14:00

    Not sure if this is a capture thing, MA thing or both.

    I have a pre-viz machine setup with two NIC's.  One setup for MA-net (192.168.0.X) and one for my intenet traffic (192.168.1.X)

    I launch capture, I see the lights on the viz-key light up, but it never shows up in the network stations section of MA.

    If I disable the ethernet adaptor that passes my internet traffic, everything connects up fine.


    If I leave my internet ethernet adaptor alone and make MA use the intenet ip range for it's interface, it connects fine.

    It's like Capture is binding itself to a specific NIC.  Took a spin through the connectivity settings and I'm not seeing a specific way to force what it uses for MA-Net3.



    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2021-12-17 18:13


    Yes, the MA-Net3 plugin binds to a single NIC. While MA have recently added the ability to instruct the plugin which NIC to bind to, we have not implemented this and added an option for it yet. We are looking into the possibility of doing this for Capture 2022.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:12 Basic Member

    2021-12-18 18:36

    Makes sense.  Hopefully that's addressed sooner than later... Quite the pain to keep diabling that 2nd adaptor.


    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2022-03-01 12:54

    I have had always trouble using two NICs in one PC. Did you try the Windows Bridge? But this wasn't making things better on my PCs.

    And it is important, that the Vizkey is connected to a USB 3 Port.

    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2022-03-01 13:09 as the Topic is Connectivity I have a strange behaviour:

    When I look into the list of available Universes in Capture I can find Numbers from 1 to 16 but some are missing (3 to 6 and 11) and when I "stretch" it to use 32 Universes even more are missing (as well 3 to 6, 11, 21, 22, 31). Where do I have to search? Is it the MA3 onPC, the Network (but it is on the same PC) oder has Capture 2021.1.15 an issue?

    All Universes are patched, but all the named Universes are marked as not giving output on MA3 - but the Vizkey should let us use all the universes...

    I will post that in MA3 Forum to...

    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2022-03-01 13:47

    ...and I think I've got it solved myself:

    As I found out by searching in the MA3 Forum (and as mentioned in an MA3 Tipps Video on Youtube) it is very important to connect the VizKey to the Capture PC and to start Capture BEFORE you start MA3 on PC!

    Otherwise you will only see a reduced amount of Universes as I mentioned...

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