

Optimal hardware setup for best performance
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Posts:1 New Member

2022-01-01 11:50

    Im building a new visualization studio and want to customize a PC to get the best performance in Capture. Ive tried searcing the forum and reading the manuals, but couldnt find any answer to what is the optimal PC-setup was, just minimum system requirements. Is Capture running best on Intel or Ryzen processors? Nvidia or AMD for graphics?

    Could anyone here please share their experience?  

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2022-01-06 11:39
    • Accepted Answer

    Capture does not favor or have any special drivers for a specific brand.
    As stated in our FAQ:
    Real-time visualisation and rendering is very demanding on the video card. So as a general rule in order to get the best performance of Capture, you should go to the best graphic card that you could afford. As a good referenced point for the capabilities of your hardware, you may find PassMask Software's video card benchmark pages for high end GPU's useful. A PassMark G3D mark of 2000 or more could be considered a general minimum performance requirement for Capture, but in practice, the actual requirements will vary a lot depending on how you use Capture. Keep in mind though that Capture does not take advantage of SLI or Crossfire technologies.
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    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2023-06-19 09:53

    Oh yes,this answer can be found often when you search for Hardware requirements. I'm thinking about investing in an Nvidia RTX 4090 which seems to be the Best card in the market for now.

    But might it be a good Alternative to invest in a Mac instead? But it is difficult to find out how much graphics Power the have in comparison to the 4090. Does anybody know how it is in comparison to the 4090?

    And if 4090 is the Best choice for now: Does anybody know if there is a Laptop available with the 4090 and a Touchscreen?

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-06-19 23:02
    If you consider to use Capture on a laptop, I would try to invest in a Mac. The Nvidia cards are so hungry for power and cooling that it hardly justifies putting it in a laptop. You’d be constantly on wall power and work in a noisy fan situation all the time.
    My personal experience is that the software is very well ported to both the macOS and windows platforms. We are running Capture in our studio on a tower pc and on the road on our Mac laptops. I am amazed how much performance I can squeeze out of a tiny M1 MacBook Air. 8 universes worth of fixtures still gives me some form of live image (yes it is lowres but still workable for Previz focus of my ML Rig).
    The PC gives us robust live images at high resolution and high frame rates. We use an Intel i9 8core 3.8 GHz PC with an AMD RX6900 XT card. I hope this helps you.
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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