

MVR Export
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2022-01-12 16:42

    It seems everytime I export an MVR model from capture, into Grand MA 3, I always to to go through everyfixture and update the fixture profile within the console.  

    Is there a way to avoid this?  I assume this is what GDTF would help fix?

    Becomes a big problem when I have an entire show built in GMA3 and capture.  I update the physical position of some lights in capture, export the MVR, bring it into GMA3, then I have to go through the entire patch again and change EVERY fixture type back.



    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-01-12 17:04

    If I understand you correctly, if you import an MVR into MA3 and change the fixture types and then reimport the MVR then you have to reapply those changes. If MA3 remembered / understood that you have changed those fixture types then it could offer to not change it back on reimport of an MVR. GDTF doesn't play a role here. I suggest you speak with MA about this.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2022-02-05 16:14

    Currently, I'm running into this issue as well.
    The problem is that the exported MVR file from Capture 2021.1.11 has a stripped-down GDFT of the lightning fixtures.
    All my fixtures have just one Dimmer channel after the export.

                <DMXMode Name="Mode 1" Geometry="Base">
                        <DMXChannel DMXBreak="1" Geometry="Base" Offset="1">
                            <LogicalChannel Attribute="Dimmer">
                                <ChannelFunction Attribute="Dimmer" DMXFrom="0/1" Name="" />

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    2022-07-15 18:55

    Same Here,
    Import MVR file to a new file and all imported fixtures have no channels. Patch and channels are ok but you have to manually change everything to the correct fixture models from the desk's library.

    Also, many 3D models from Capture's MVR file appear in GMA3 randomly scaled up (by a lot). This makes the internal GMA3 visualization completely unusable. All environment needs to be manually removed from the patch, or not imported at all, which is a real bummer.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-07-17 09:21


    All GDTFs exported as part of MVRs from Capture are "placeholder" fixture definitions. You will always need to replace these with the native definitions of the console or design software you are importing the MVR into.

    If objects come in oddly scaled in another system, please contact the manufacturer in question.

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2022-07-18 10:49

    thanks for confirming the issue.

    MVR was created to have a unified exchange format, which includes the GDTFs.
    I don't understand, why you would use GDTFs in Capture just to replace them with a placeholder during the MVR export?

    In my case, I build the rig in Capture with the GDTFs files and after the export to GrandMA3, I have to use the exact same GDTFs files to replace the placeholders.

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    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-07-23 14:52


    Capture does not use GDTF at all as it's not sufficient for our needs. Since MVR depends on GDTF this means that Capture must include placeholder GDTF files for the purpose of identifying the type of the fixture.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2022-11-21 09:52

    Hi Lars 

    Is there any plans to implement GDTF in to capture? It would help all for us how a using MVR to patch our console! 

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-11-21 10:31

    Hi Mikkel,

    We have no immediate plans for this. You are always going to have to choose which GDTF files you want to use and download them for your console anyway. Once you have imported the MVR into the console, choose whichever library you want to use for the fixtures in the console.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:4 New Member

    2022-11-21 12:40

    Hi again,
    I have given a few courses within the last months on using Capture with MA3.
    In every course I got the feedback that the export including the GDTF would make using Capture and MA3 so much more convenient. I mean, all the fixture data is already in the project file. In my eyes, it's just a matter of putting it into the GDTF data structure.

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