

Capture issues fixtures move really slowly after giving them a patch address
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Staff Member
Posts:542 Staff Member

2022-02-17 08:13

If you feel you are facing an issue and it is Capture's fault please read again the pinned post of this forum and follow the instructions accordingly.

Sales Director
Capture Visualisation AB
New Member
Posts:4 New Member

2024-04-11 01:29

I cannot see a pinned reply in this thread so I will post what I have found to fix the issue.

1 - Go into the Universes tab in the project window

2 - Select the universe with the issue (if its multiple you can repeat this step on all of them)

3 - Left click your universe and select the "Reset Levels" option

I have tried this a couple times now and it seems to be the fix any time you have the slow fixture issue 

New Member
Posts:2 New Member

2024-04-20 07:15

When a lighting fixture is patched, sometimes the characteristics of the position motor speed dmx value are inverted in Capture. A quick solve for this is to invert the DMX value on the lighting fixture and it should go back to working fine. for example, if the mspeed is set at 0, change it's starting value to 255 or 100%.

This is only really an issue with lower end brands like Chauvet, Event lighting, Beamz, Showpro etc.

To be clear the base position motor speed dmx value for the fixture in Capture is wrong, If you plot a show on a console connected to capture, remember to update the motor speed dmx value back once you get to venue.

Veteran Member
Posts:329 Veteran Member

2024-04-20 16:37
I think it is best to ask the library department to make an adjustment. Most of these issues originate from a mistake or unclear dmx charts in the manufacturers manual. So an email to the brand wouldn’t hurt either.
Floriaan Ganzevoort
Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2024-04-20 18:16

Whenever i have this issue, it's when i'm swapping fixture types. My suspicion is that Capture doesn't release the old DMX values from the previous fixtures, so you might end up with a speed channel that used to be a tilt channel, which has a leftover value of 50. 

I've found it's pretty easy to clear out just by reselecting the fixture mode in the selected items tab, but sometimes i have to go and reset levels in the universe tab.

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