

Global enviroment
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New Member
Posts:3 New Member

2022-01-27 20:00
    I would like to see a global environment, with the glow of the sun and moon, sunset and noon. And also the terrain
    New Member
    Posts:6 New Member

    2022-01-28 11:33



    2024-01-20 07:40
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-01-20 23:16

    What would be the difference with the HDRI objects that are present in the current version of Capture? I think those are much more versatile while being capable of just presenting you with a glow (if you choose to set the blur slider to max)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine

    2024-01-21 07:09
    The current HDRI doesn't even generate ground shadows. It has only 2 settings, Intensity and Blur. On L8 I have shadows and can rotate the HDRI to control the direction of the sun if it's a sky and sun HDRI, Depence it's more advanced with its global environment system. I'm able to control the clouds, sun, moon and stars individually. We also visualise outdoor shows not just indoor ones, it's about being realistic. The current HDRI is fine but it isn't realistic enough.
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-01-21 18:35

    Nice! Does the request then also involve time of day and longitude/latitude? Because that would then also be good to have for outdoor purposes. 

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine

    2024-01-21 19:54
    Yes it won't work with those functions, just realised I can rotate the HDRI on Capture also. Now if only the HDRI cast shadows.....
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