

Object World Outliner
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Posts:1 New Member

2022-02-23 19:52


    it would be realy nice if we could get an World Outliner where every Lamp/Mesh/Truss is listed and selectable. It´s realy hard to work with many different objects in the scene without it!

    Thank you! 

    Basic Member
    Posts:21 Basic Member

    2023-02-12 23:02

    This. I've thought for a while this would be a great addition to Capture.

    Being able to see a list representation of not just fixtures but also imported meshes and user grouped items would be a really powerful addition. Being able to rename these groups/items, and see what layer they belong to.

    Something along the lines of the way the outliner in sketchup works, where once objects are grouped (or made into 'components') they appear as a selectable item. If they only appear once grouped that would reduce the impact on importing new meshes and handling those conditions.

    I agree that it can be very difficult to keep on top of what is grouped together, what 3D meshes are part of the same model, and how groups are nested within each other.

    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    2023-02-18 20:26
    Agreed. This would be very helpful. Depence does this better.

    2024-01-20 08:00
    I've just asked for this, will delete my topic. Yeah it's hard to handle objects without a list I can select and rename objects on. One of the features I Iove on Depence, also being able to create children and parent objects would be nice.
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