

Arena layer wanted
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Basic Member
Posts:21 Basic Member

2022-03-25 23:17
    Hello everyone

    This is a real cheeky request.

    Does anyone have an arena later that they would like to share as a venue layer.

    I knock up my own venues but for a quick presentation or to get my gigs going I’d like an arena layer with space for a 60 x 40 stage (that’s feet by the way) some multilevel seating etc.

    If you have a basic arena venue and you’d like to share it… I’ll credit you in my final presentation!

    All the very best

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2022-03-26 23:24

    You may have a look at the list of websites found in the following link
    where you probably can find sth that suits you.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:21 Basic Member

    2022-03-29 17:19
    Thanks very much.

    I’ll have a look around there.

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