

Truss and fixture Location bug ?
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Basic Member
Posts:15 Basic Member

2022-04-25 19:37

    It seems that the automatic Location fill for fixtures don't work when multiple truss are grouped together.
    Fixtures and truss don't apear in Fixture Location Report neither.
    Please see video :

    Is it just me ? Or is it a bug ?

    Capture 2022.0.20 Symphony on Windows 10 64bit.

    Staff Member
    Posts:652 Staff Member

    2022-05-03 22:00

    It's not a bug per se. Starting with 2022 groups now also have a unit property and when you have grouped trusses and select the group it's the unit of the group you're editing, in a way hiding the unit properties of the trusses.

    Product Specialist
    Capture Visualisation AB
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