

Swap Y and Z Axis as an option
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Posts:12 Basic Member

2022-04-28 23:35

    Sometimes, i need to input positions manually, i have always understood the Z axis as an axis that represents vertical position to the ground plane. But i understand not all CAD software use it like that.

    But still, for me, as a user, it would be super useful, to just have Z and Y swapped out. so that Z represents the vertical axis. would eliminate quite some mistakes by inputing data in the wrong field.

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2022-11-27 11:43

    Yes please!! It is so confusing having worked with other 3d cad programs for a very long time. Especially when moving objects (absolute or relative) it is really confusing. 

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:7 New Member

    2023-10-07 13:48

    Yes please!  This would be a huge help for people moving between multiple CAD software packages.



    New Member
    Posts:1 New Member

    2023-10-11 12:50

    Yes please! 

    Basic Member
    Posts:14 Basic Member

    2023-10-23 01:23

    This! Especialy when working with Eos consoles, Z is up.

    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2023-10-30 14:34


    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2024-07-10 20:06


    I believe it will help a lot of new/old user more easy to use Capture for poltting.


    Basic Member
    Posts:13 Basic Member

    2024-07-10 21:46
    Yeah, all other software I’m using have Z as the height. MA3d, autocad etc
    Also I would like to swap the sign on the back and forth axis, (the axis that for now is z) so that in a topdown view default rotation positive direction is in the top right corner.
    Then if I put upstage as up, as I feel is most natural, especially when printing, then the more upstage something is the more positive number, makes it easier to mainly work in positive numbers as most things are upstage downstage center (where my origo is)

    Subsequent to this would the option to rotate views in plots, 90 degrees steps would suffice. So that I can work with my stage oriented correctly but orient the drawing to match the room the stage is in. Like when the stage is at the short end of the room but the drawing should bee in landscape to match the other drawings

    // erik
    Basic Member
    Posts:31 Basic Member

    2024-07-15 11:27


    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2024-08-10 15:05

    That could be a huge help for lot of people, but if it's too uch work, you could just add an option in the translation tab allowig to swap the letters Y and Z.

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