

Library Fixture Specs
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Posts:2 New Member

2022-05-20 01:20

    I can only speak personally, but I am not familiar with the majority of fixtures and manufacturers in the Library.  Finding the right light therefore can be very time consuming and frustrating.

    Since all of the information about each individual fixture is already there (can't have a fixture without it), would it not be possible to have a pop-up window or some other way of viewing a fixture's specs without having to select and drop it into the model?  Perhaps a right-click or hover over a fixture in the list to see what the DMX channel count/modes, wattage, lumens, etc are?  Just general specs?

    Say you need a LED RBGW pinspot; no specific manufacture, you just want the brightest, narrowest beam unit and you don't have any knowledge of the tons of different manufacturer's models available. To find that one best unit, you have to import each individually to see the stats in the "Selected Items" window. Searching for "LED Pin Spot" narrows the list, but there's still a lot to choose from, and the beam outputs vary tremendously.  Dragging each one into the model takes a lot of time. A quick hover or right click to see what the beam angle and wattage are would be a HUGE advantage.

    Any thoughts? Am I missing a better way to narrow a search?



    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2022-11-29 11:45

    You can use the selections below the search box to make your broad selection. Then narrow your search by adding several conditions between quotation marks separated by plusses.


    Check "Moving Head" and "Lighting"

    type in the searchbox:


    Brings you Robe Ledbeams 150 and a few other fixtures. Only 5 in total to choose from.

    To be able to filter on weight, power consumption, and other specs that are not in the name of the fixture would be a great addition.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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