

Wireless SpaceMouse and Capture problem
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Posts:2 New Member

2022-06-30 16:12

    I watched others use this device with no problems, but I cannot seem to make it work with my full spec Macbook pro 16inch.. it works a few minutes and then starts to bog Capture down. It starts with a few missed commands and ends as an almost total freezing of Capture.

    3D connexion support has not been able to solve this.. they suggested re-installing, other USB converters & hubs, nothing helped.. they gave up.. anyone had the same issue?



    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2022-11-27 11:25

    Are you using the space mouse wired or wireless?

    Sometimes the use or proximity of a usb 3 port can disturb the wireless receiver. It might help using a usb 2 hub or a short usb extension cable to solve the problem.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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