

How to work with .EXR?
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Posts:12 Basic Member

2022-08-03 18:33

    How to render exr image with wide range? When I try export to exr, I've got super exposure picture. Is there any additional settings for EXR? Or that option doesn't work yet?

    It's result. Actually on MACBook with XDR screen I can see real width range, but the render looks like fady. Is it possible to render image with pseudo wide range to open on the regular screens ?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2022-08-08 09:09


    Rendering to EXR produces linear HDR output in the ACEScg colour space. Just like RAW files from a digital camera, this is the data before any exposure or tone mapping has been applied. Unfortunately we haven't really come across a good image viewer that provides good exposure and tone mapping control.

    The only way of getting HDR images out of Capture at the moment are on macOS when rendering movie snapshots. We hope to add support for rendering still images to HEIF/HEIC in the future.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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