

Locking axis for 2d View
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Basic Member
Posts:12 Basic Member

2022-10-31 22:35

    it would be really usefully to lock a View to a 2d plane, possibly via the Project->View Tab for a certain view. And then indicating in the view the Plane is locked with a locked symbol or a text.

    I find myself accidentaly moving in 3d space when i just want to pan. this might be because i use a lot off diffrent software with diffrente behavior. When designing a stage i usually have two 2d plot views and one in 3d space.

    there is already the distinct snap to a 2d plane, which i really like. but locking this plane would be amazing. this would also enable the usage of a 3dconnexion spacemouse

    thanks for reading, cheers benjamin

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2022-11-08 11:58

    In addition to that I would like to ask for navigation by using the arrow keys (if necessary with a modifier key, but rather not)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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