

simple possible improvments for Plot workflow
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Posts:12 Basic Member

2022-11-11 22:25

    Just a basic few points on plots after using. Bold marks my key points, also easily addable I think.

    • Add ability to move selected item with arrow keys (maybe by milimeters or based on zoomlevel)
    • Add ability to position relative or absolute in mm. Some need exact numbers and a wobbly mouse is inaccurate. Then you could also snap to an item, then move away from it with relative position to create nice even space thru all plots.
    • Have some base anchor points available, first item has no snappoints available. Feels floating and weird.
    • Base snappoints could be: Paper Border, Center, definable grid
    • Add basics shapes instead of just border item
    • Add option to hide item in printout. Makes it possible to use helper shapes for aligning or design notes.
    • Add definable Paper Border inset: Most printers have a border anyway, and when creating PDFs, borders just look clean

    Cheers Benjamin, love the product! <3

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