

Colour Framelist DMX ranges
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Posts:2 New Member

2022-12-13 16:14

    I have Capture 2021 Solo Edition, and uses version 2021.1.15.

    Regarding colour framelist:
    When I want to populate my MH fixure that has colour wheel by using the Framelist, the DMX range per colour that is my lighting console donot corresponds with the framlist range. It does not matter even if I add a few frames, correct number of frames, or too many frames, it still changes too late in Capture live window compared to my lighting program.

    Is it possible to edit the DMX range for each frame? 
    Why looks it like each frame has same range even with few frames, as with many frames?

    Advanced Member
    Posts:107 Advanced Member

    2022-12-20 22:55

    Which MH are we talking about. The colorwheel should be already populated. Could you post a file with the MH in question?

    Disclaimer, I am only trying to help. I do not work for Capture....;)

    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2022-12-23 21:42

    "Which MH are we talking about. The colorwheel should be already populated. Could you post a file with the MH in question?"

    Thanks for reply!

    The lamps in concern is two chinese TipTop MHs:
    For one works the "200W LED BSW 3-IN-1"
    The other I have requested "TipTop Stage Lighting 300W LED BSW 3-in1".

    What I presume from my experience with Capture, is that one need to order MHs personalities already with set DMX ranges for colour frames.
    But I would prefer that one might set the ranges myself. I must say that I would also prefer to be able to make my own fixture profiles/personalities, as I can in all and every lighting control application I use.

    Another thing I also see requested by others, is a possibility to see DMX channel layout of fixtures, without the need to patch them temporary in first. Or to have a fixture search functionality alike Chamys or Onyx. I have spent some unnessary time searching in those fixture finders, then patching in wrong fixtures before finding one suitable.  (At least fixtures from China has all kind of different names for same DMX channel layout. Sometimes with different ranges, though)

    Regards Kåre  

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