

Multiple Captures and MagicQs on same network
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Posts:2 New Member

2023-02-02 19:54

    First of all, you might want to update page having the information about CITP to reflect changes on site and in particular the information at the page (shortly put: update the links to point to new location and remove the mention about the forum and so forth, Lars seems to be last commiter on github).

    The question: multiple Captures running on a same network, along with multiple MagicQ's - what are the means to limit who listens who? Since its (i recall) multicast its all around so the effect is that when i ask MagicQ to do me a "Vis Import" i get the patch from a random Capture, repeatedly. I spent hours tweaking many options on both software but none seemed to touch any broadcast/multicast and i could not touch the firewall. I barely once received my own patch and thought i figured it out but after restartin g the softwares it was all gone.

    To ask another way around, we have a workshop with above setup, how exactly can i reach my and only my Capture from MagicQ (on a same PC) without a need to unplug my machine from the network (and thus lose the shared resources and stuff).

    I probably left bunch of relevant information away but happy to fill and respond to any further questions, i just want my patch and not anybody elses (unless desired so).

    Thanks in advance,


    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2023-02-02 20:08

    Forgot to ask, can you explain who the "bonding" actually works as i don't have understanding. Does Capture constantly (multi)cast "here's patch for anybody interested" or is there first "i need patch, can somebody give one?" or? Seems that once i get a patch from some place the MagicQ also sticks with that exact instance of visualizer and it works fine, its just the display is on the other side of the room.

    I recall being told the protocol is simple but i haven't got that deep yet on the topic nor have ran any Wireshark (nor read the spec :( ).


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-02-06 10:25

    Thanks for pointing out the error on the developers page, we have updated it now.

    In order to have Capture speak with the right console you will need to select it using the Console link option in the Universes tab. Console regularly multicast their presence and Capture connects to them. You select which console you want to be speaking with using this option.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2023-04-18 13:03

    Software testing outsourcing is the practice of hiring an external company to perform software testing tasks on behalf of your organization. This can be an effective way to ensure that your software is thoroughly tested without the need to hire and maintain an in-house testing team. Outsourcing software testing can provide a range of benefits, including access to specialized expertise, increased testing efficiency and effectiveness, and reduced costs.

    When you outsource your software testing needs, you can take advantage of the expertise of a dedicated team of professionals who specialize in software testing. This team will have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to identify and address potential issues with your software, ensuring that it is of the highest quality possible.

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